Monday, 16 November 2009

In and Out (2)


  • New Moon - Four days people! Four! Of course I am like every other twilight fan who cannot wait for the day of November 20th. As all of our favorite characters appear on screen I'm sure that we will hear some gasps in the cinema. I give good luck to the people who plan to see it 1 minute past midnight in the morning, those will have the most trouble getting up on Friday but will possibly have dreams of the film. I myself am seeing it in the late afternoon and cannot wait. =D
  • Practice test results - Well I managed to get a B in my physics which was unexpected but I was very glad, all I need to do is get that B again on the real test in January and maybe everything might be alright.
  • Friends - All of mine are so kind and funny and make me smile a lot at the moment, and it is just amazing to know all of them. Thank you all! =D
  • Night World - An amazing book series actually, since before I had read Vampire Diaries and that book hadn't gone all to well, but after reading this I would recommend Night World to anyone. =)
  • Music - I am constantly listening to my music at the moment, mainly because I just got some new songs on my PC that I love, the only time I'm not listening to it is when I read.

  • MP3 Player - Mine is badly and epically failing at the moment, I don't have an IPod that everyone seems to have, but I'm hoping to get one and give up on the old MP3.
  • Ex Boyfriend - Grrrrr, my ex is so annoying. After I broke up with him it didn't take him that long to make friends with my sister and then happen to tell her he loved her. I'm not jealous but the boy is a player, and it was only 3 days after he said that that he got a new girlfriend. But as he called my sister I picked up the phone told him I knew everything and he just hung up on me, so I sent a text telling him to stop being childish and to keep away from my sister. and then he threatens me! Saying he will get his brothers friend on me, and that is the tipping point people, why threaten me when I'm only telling him to keep away from my sister>?!
  • Wind - Its so windy lately! Has anyone else noticed, that when we all try to put our umbrella's down they suddenly turn inside out? Hopefully it may stop soon, I don't mind the rain its just the wind.
  • Waterstones Card - Its just sitting there, never been used and yet I have filled out the form for it but never gave it it. =S. I really need too, but not at the moment maybe in the new year? I can't decide.
  • Strange and weird things - Has anyone noticed it? The whispers that come from none of your friends but you seem to hear them. Those people you can sometimes see or maybe see a flash of them. Or are my mind and eye sight playing tricks on me? I keep on seeing and hearing stuff that sometimes freaks me out, what is going on I ask?

And that's it for today, but I will post another In and Out blog soon. Thanks for reading!


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